Dutch Lawyer in de UAE

Staat de UAE / VAE op een zwarte lijst / black list?

vrijdag 13 januari 2023 07:23

Vraag: #Hilda, staat de UAE op dit moment op de zwarte lijst? Ik merk dat diverse procedures in Europa ineens weer erg moeizaam gaan. 
Antwoord: ja.  De UAE staan weer op de FATF lijst, maar het is een grijze lijst, omdat er te weinig zou zijn gedaan om witwassen en de financiering van terroristische activiteiten tegen te gaan. 
Since February 2022, when the United Arab Emirates (UAE) made a high-level political commitment to work with the FATF and MENAFATF to strengthen the effectiveness of its AML/CFT regime, the UAE demonstrated positive progress, including by providing additional resources to the FIU to strengthen the FIU analysis and provide financial intelligence to LEAs and the Public Prosecutors for combating of high-risk ML threats.
The UAE should continue to work to implement its FATF action plan by: (1) demonstrating through case studies and statistics a sustained increase in outbound MLA requests to help facilitate investigation of TF, ML, and high-risk predicates; (2) enhancing and maintaining a shared understanding of the ML/TF risks between the different DNFBP sectors and institutions; (3) showing an increase in the number and quality of STRs filed by FIs and DNFBPs; (4) ensuring a more granular understanding of the risk of abuse of legal persons and, where applicable, legal arrangements, for ML/TF; (5) demonstrate greater use of financial intelligence to pursue high-risk ML threats; and demonstrating a sustained increase in effective investigations and prosecutions of different types of ML cases consistent with UAE’s risk profile; and (6) proactively identifying and combating sanctions evasion, including by demonstrating a better understanding of sanctions evasion among the private sector.
En inderdaad, daardoor worden ook wij bij allerlei processen en procedures weer flink tegengewerkt.